Bear Creek Community Center
610 Bear Creek Road, Lavonia, GA 30553
____ Rental Fee: $300
____ Security Deposit: $200
____ Availability: When facilities are not in use for scheduled activities and are available to the public for rent, use is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
____ Occupancy: The maximum number of people allowed is 140. Seating for 112 is provided with additional serving tables available.
____ Hours: Facilities may be rented from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Please allow appropriate time for setup before the event and clean up after the event.
____ Key: You will be given a code to the lock box located to the left of the glass doors. Please return the key to the lock box after making sure all doors are secured. If you have no received the code by 4:00 p.m. on the business day prior to your reservation, please call 706-356-1926.
____ Rental Fees: All rental fees and security deposits are due at the time of application. If the event exceeds the rental end time, the applicant and guests may be subject to eviction, loss of security deposit, and additional rental fees. The applicant may also lose facility use privileges.
____ Security Deposit: All rental applicants must pay a security deposit. The deposit is refundable if, and only when, the facility is left clean and there is no damage to furnishings or equipment. If damage occurs and the cost of the damage exceeds the amount of the deposit, the rental applicant will be billed for any additional expense. Damages could lead to losing facility use privileges. The decision of whether the deposit shall be refunded is solely up to the City of Lavonia. The deposit will not be refunded until the facility has been inspected by City personnel.
____ Cancellation Policy: If the facility rented and reserved is not canceled at least 15 days before the event, there will be a $50 cancellation fee.
____ Parking: There is a dedicated parking lot in front of the Bear Creek Community Center. Please note the main parking lot is shared with the Lavonia Ball Fields and may become crowded at certain times. Overflow parking is available in the grass lot across the street from the Bear Creek Community Center. Street parking is strictly prohibited.
____ Sales: Commercial solicitation and transactions are prohibited.
____ Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are NOT allowed.
____ Decorations: No decorations or temporary fixtures may be affixed to the building or any architectural feature with nails, tacks, staples, or any application that will cause irreversible damage. Tape including Command Strips are not permitted on any walls, glass, or fixtures.
____ Candles: No open flames are allowed inside the facility.
____ Smoking: Smoking is prohibited inside the facility.
____ Cleaning: The facility must be cleaned, all decorations and trash must be removed, and the facility must be vacated by the end time indicated on the Facility Rental Agreement. The rental applicant is responsible for removing all personal articles, including leftover food, decorations, etc., and depositing trash in trash receptacles. All table tops, chairs, countertops, and appliances must be wiped clean. Floors should be spot-swept and mopped as needed. If it becomes necessary for City personnel to do an extensive amount of cleaning, there will be a corresponding deduction from the security deposit.
Required Signature: I have read all of the rental policy information and agree to comply with my signature below. I understand that my security deposit may be forfeited, or I may be billed for any additional expense should any of the aforementioned requirements be ignored or abused or if any damages result from the actions of my rental.
Thanks for submitting!
We will be in touch shortly.